Hey Hiring Managers

Our network may have the talent you're looking for.

How We Help
We bridge the gap between world-class talent and the world’s most pressing problems.
We help exceptional strategic and generalist talent transition into roles where their skills can make a far greater difference. If your high-impact organization or project is expanding, reach out to us to discuss whether our members could be the right fit.
We can support your organization by:
  • Sharing your job listings with our network of 1,000+ consultants
  • Refering a short list of hand-picked candidates
  • Facilitating contract or pro-bono consulting work (selective basis)
We support organizations that focus on significantly improving global welfare and safety.
Consultants for Impact supports talent matching across location, roles, and industries – but we focus on helping teams with high-leverage opportunities to improve lives at scale.

We think these opportunities concentrate around large, solvable, and neglected problems.

We’ve worked with high-impact organizations in AI policy, biosecurity, global health, and effective giving, and we're always open to new and exciting theories of change. 
Evan McVail
Evan McVail

“Consultants for Impact's professionalism, responsiveness, and calibration on talent profiles have made them a trusted partner of the Open Philanthropy recruiting team and a delight to work with."

Kayla Fishman
Kayla Fishman
Senior Growth Manager
at GiveDirectly

“Consultants for Impact's deep network across career stages has been a great resource for my team's hiring. Their support has been proactive, diligent, and well-researched."

Will Bradshaw
Will Bradshaw

"I think Consultants for Impact is a great source of talent and would definitely include outreach to them in future relevant hiring rounds."

Lewis Hammond
Lewis Hammond

“I would be very happy to receive further referrals from Consultants for Impact for future hiring rounds.”

John Stuart Winchell
John Stuart Winchell

"I plan to ask Consultants for Impact for referrals for future hiring rounds."

Our Secret SauCe
The common thread we share as CFI members.

As business consultants, our job is to solve client problems – and as individuals, we aim to make sure our work contributes to the change we want to see in the world. While no two CFI members are exactly the same, many of us converge on a few core traits.


We strive to seek the truth, aim for impact, and prioritize strategically in our work.
Review our principles > 


As consultants, we get hired and/or promoted  based on how effectively we work with clients, leaders, and each other.


In the fast-paced environment of client work, we prioritize tasks and focus on what truly matters to get the job done.


We think consultants’ reputation for hustle and ambition is well-earned. We tend to be goal-directed, ambitious, and restless to grow our skills and teams.


We convert large amounts of information into prioritized, actionable insights. We can quickly test hypotheses, eliminate noise, and can convert findings into product or program designs.


We adapt to new responsibilities, managers, cultures, and deliverables – both naturally and through many rounds of practice.

Where we go
Common roles we see consulting alumni transition into:
Common titles for consulting alumni to transition into:

Program Manager

product Manager

Managing Director



Research Manager

Director of Operations


Head of Marketing

Head of Policy

External Affairs

Research Associate

We’re especially excited to support consultants transitioning into:
Work we’re excited about consulting alumni doing:

Shape Emerging Tech Policy

Found high-impact projects

Make Impact-focused Grants

Manage Projects, products, or operations in high-impact organizations

Get In Touch
Looking for talent?
You're in the right place. 

We're here to help high impact organizations find the best strategic talent for your teams. Reach out to us if you're interested in having us share your role or opportunity via our Job Blast or if you'd like us to send you a short-list of hand-picked candidates.